The best way to prevent fraudulent emails is by stopping them from attaining your email address. This is extremely difficult to do since people are becoming extremely sophisticated with computers today. However, if you create a separate email for posting online as oppose to using your main email to post online, this will cut down on the amount of email fraud you receive.
It is often recommended that you create temporary email addresses that expire after an extended period of time. This will make it difficult for spammers to get your email address and send you too many fraudulent emails. This can become annoying for you as well, but it may be worth the trouble to avoid accidentally releasing personal information. You can create such accounts through Spambox and Mailexpire.
The first step to protecting yourself from email fraud if they do have your email address is to be aware of unknown addresses and/or subject messages. If you are not expecting mail from unidentified addresses, than don’t open them. Along the same lines, it is important that you never open attachments without knowing for certain what is in the attachment. Fraudulent emails often send viruses in the form of an attachment.
Aside from being aware of unknown email, there are several other things you can do and learn
how to prevent email fraud
. You should never provide personal information in response to an unsolicited request over the internet or phone. Doing so is only setting you up for fraud. If you believe the request is legitimate, contact the institution yourself using contact information you have verified.To decrease the likelihood of you receiving and responding to fraudulent emails, you should always have an antivirus software(check the tool CompuClever Antivirus PLUS, that is pretty strong against computer viruses) and also a firewall. These are great programs that can prevent email fraud, but will certainly not block all. In order to get the best results out of your programs, make sure you constantly update them to ensure they are compatible for the most recent viruses and worms.
Fraudulent emails are spread on a daily basis and are only increasing in number. If you are aware of the various ways you can prevent spammers from getting your email in the first place, you can eliminate the amount of fraudulent emails you receive. However, it is difficult to prevent all emails, so make sure you know how to identify these emails to prevent email fraud from happening to you.
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